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So many people to thank, so little time...

First, I want to thank my Dad, the late Norm Bjorklund, who instilled in me a love of nature, and who took me out to see and catch my first Oregon butterflies.


Thanks to Eric Wold for helping to re-kindle my love of butterflies back in 2001, and for our joint (and fun!) project of starting the Eugene-Springfield Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA-ES).


Thanks to Paul Severns and Andy Warren, who have taught me a great deal about the distribution, phenology, taxonomy, and ecology of butterflies. They introduced me to many of the sites where I took these photos.   Many thanks also to Paul Hammond, Gary Pearson, Sue Anderson, Dan Thackaberry, Bill Neill, Dave McCorkle, Bob Pyle, Vern Covlin, Harold Rice, Eric Runquist, Bruce Newhouse, Dana Ross, Lori Humphreys, Dennis Deck, Rob Santry, Tanya Harvey, and Greg Sigrist, all of whom shared very helpful information on butterfly sites I wasn't familiar with.  Their information led to new photos of many Oregon species!    


Without Andy Warren's essential text "Butterflies of Oregon, Their Taxonomy, Distribution and Biology," I would not have been able to make it this far.  Andy's book and his detailed emails with descriptions of where to find many of these butterflies in Oregon have made my endeavor so much easier!  Bob Pyle and Caitlin LaBar's excellent field guide Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest (2018) has also been a godsend, with its updated taxonomy, species descriptions and range maps. Andy Warren, Bob Pyle, Jonathon Pelham, Ernst Dornfeld, and John Hinchliff are the giants on whose shoulders this work stands.  They each wrote key works on butterflies in the Northwest, and without the foundation of their work, I wouldn't know enough to even get started.


Thanks also to Jonathon Pelham and Caitlin LaBar for sharing their great work compiling known county occurrences of butterfly species in Oregon into a single document.  They helped me identify some new county records with their effort!   


Thank you to Paul Hammond at the Oregon State Arthropod Collection (OSAC) for repeatedly helping me with identifications and setting up specimens for photos.  A huge thanks to Dana Ross for spending hours helping me get photos of pinned specimens for all the described Oregon species that I haven't photographed live in the field, and for reviewing my photos of some of the tough to ID species--I really appreciate your support!


The website has also been a great help in this endeavor, and I appreciate the BOA team of authors for all their work on that website.


Thank you to Pollyanna Lind and Todd Simmler for inspiring me with a snowstorm of great ideas  on how I could share my Oregon butterfly photos and put them to good use. And likewise thank you Adam Klein, at New Ventures West in SF for giving me the coaching assignment of sharing my photography with others.  Check!


A tip of my hat is in order to Lindsay Selser, for her surprisingly motivating question "so where can we see the photos of all the butterflies you've already photographed?"


To all these, and any others I may have forgotten, a hearty and deeply-felt thank you!

Photo of father and children on Mt. Hood

That's me on Dad's lap, up on Mt. Hood, c 1959.

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