Callophrys spinetorum
Size: 1.0 - 1.25 inches wingspan
Key ID features: Above both sexes bright, steely blue. Below reddish-brown. White-tipped black tails on HW, with adjacent patches of gray-blue and orange. Bold white median line containing distinct "W" near tails, and submarginal row of black spots along the entire trailing margin of HW.
Similar species: Johnson's HS lacks prominent "W" in white median line, is brown above, and submarginal spots on HW only run half way along the trailing margin.
Host plant: Several species of mistletoe that grow on conifers (Arceuthobium sp.).
Habitat: Clearings in mature coniferous forest (Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, western hemlock, Grand fir). ​
Range: East flank of Cascades Range, southern Cascades, Siskiyou Mtns, Ochocos, Blue Mtns.
Season: Late April to mid-August
Abundance: Uncommon
Conservation Status: Secure