Euphydryas chalcedona
Size: Up to 2.75 inch wingspan
Key ID features: Above black with alternating red and white spot bands separated by black lines. HW below has red and white bands, which, from the margin run red-white-red-white-white. Submarginal spot band on dorsal HW has larger pale ivory spots than other similar species.
Similar species: Edith's checkerspot has red-white-red-red-white band pattern on HW below. Snowberry Checkerspot has smaller spots in the submarginal band on the dorsal HW.
Hostplant: Several species in the figwort family, including paintbushes (Castilleja), penstemons, and monkeyflowers.
Habitat: Mountains and high canyons.
Range: Warner Mtns, southern Klamath Mtns and in Jackson and Josephine counties along the border with CA.
Season: Late April to early August
Abundance: Locally common
Conservation Status: Secure