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Close-up photo of live Western Branded Skipper (Hesperia colorado) ventral view

Mtn Lakes Wilderness, Klamath Co, August 14


Hesperia colorado

Size: Up to 1.25 inch wingspan


Key ID features: Above, male  orange with very light jagged line of orange spots, narrow dark brown edges (not toothed), bold dark stigmata on FW.  Above female brown with jagged row of light orange spots, some almost white spots near wing tip, also with dark brown edges, like teeth pointing inward. Below greenish gray with disjointed white bands, sometimes small or missing, lowest patch of white on outer band not displaced inwardly.


Similar species: On HW below Nevada Skipper has the lowest segment of the outer white spot band strongly offset. Juba Skipper is larger, has dark jagged  "teeth" on FW above. Uncas Skipper and Sandhill Skipper have prominent light veins below.


Host plant: Various grass species.


Habitat: Broad range of grass dominated habitats. 


Range:  All of eastern and southwestern Oregon.


Season: Early May to late September


Abundance: Common 


Conservation Status: Secure 

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