Western Tiger
Papilio rutulus
Size: 2.75 - 3.75 inches wingspan
Key ID features: Upperside yellow with vertical black bands, prominent tails, blue chevrons above long single tail. Below, very similar to above, with red-orange shading in yellow marginal spots near the tail.
Similar species: Anise Swallowtail has more black on forewing; Pale Swallowtail much paler; Two-tailed Swallowtail is larger, has double tails, broader yellow bands.
Host plant: Willows, maples, and many other native trees.
Habitat: Riparian areas, canyons, watersides, trail, parks, often near water.
Range: Throughout Oregon, often lower than Pale Swallowtail, but sometimes up to 7,000 feet.
Season: Mid-April - mid-August
Abundance: Very common
Conservation Status: Secure