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Close-up photo of adult Sylvan Hairstreak

Frissell Ridge, Lane Co, July 17


Satyrium sylvinus

Size: 1.0 - 1.25 inches wingspan


Key ID features:  Warm, toasty brown above. Below, lighter gray-brown with median pale black spot band. On HW below, dash or checkmark spot next to blue patch below tail. Blue patch not edged in orange inwardly. HW and FW below with vague submarginal band of black lines, only two or three of which are edged outwardly with orange near tail. 


Similar species: California HS is generally more boldly marked, has black V-shaped spot next to the blue patch (not checkmark or dash), has orange on the inward edge of the HW blue patch, and has orange halos on black crescents along most of the outer margin below, often including the forewing.


Host plant: Willows (Salix sp.).


Habitat: Meadows, willow stands, and canyon slopes near water.​


Range: East slope of Cascades, most of SE and SW Oregon except Gilliam, Morrow and Umatilla counties and Wallowa Mtns.


Season: Early May to mid-September


Abundance: Common


Conservation Status: Secure

© 2018-24 by Neil Henning Björklund

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