Echo Azure
Celastrina echo
AKA Pacific Azure
Size: 1.0 - 1.25 inches wingspan
Key ID features: Male lilac-blue above, with no black markings. Female dusky-blue, with few marginal spots ringed with gray, FW with dark bands on outer edge. Below, bright gray-white, with very light marginal band of chevrons, and small black spots. Below, gray discal bars on both FW and HW.
Similar species: Light markings below with no tails or orange spots distinctive and usually easy to distinguish from other blues.
Host plant: Many shrub species including red osier dogwood, elderberry, madrone, snowbrush, and oceanspray.
Habitat: Shrubby habitats and riparian areas. ​
Range: Most of Oregon except dry basin and range areas on the east side of Cascade Mtns.
Season: Late February to early October
Abundance: Common
Conservation Status: Secure