Chlosyne acastus
Size: Up to 1.75 inch wingspan
Key ID features: Male above, bands of pale orange and yellow-orange, separated by black lines, crescents and checks. Basal 1/3 of HW above sometimes black with little orange. Male often lighter than female above. Below bands of chalk-white and brick red with black veins and edges. More white below than other similar species.
Similar species: Northern Checkerspot darker above, and with off-white rather than white below.
Host plant: Several species including green rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus), gray rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa), desert yellow fleabane (Erigeron linearis) and asters in the genus Dieteria.
Habitat: Sage desert, pinyon-juniper savanna, washes, gulches, canyons and brushy flats.
Range: Mostly below 5000 feet in SE Oregon deserts, and below 3000 feet in Columbia and Snake river basins.
Season: Late April to late June
Abundance: Common
Conservation Status: Secure