Erynnis propertius
Size: Up to 1.75 inch wingspan
Key ID features: Our largest duskywing. Above, FW gray-brown with frosted bands and spots, 3-6 hyaline (glassy, translucent) spots on FW. FW often appears banded, especially in females. HW plainer gray-brown sometimes with vague light spots. Below brown with light spots and hyaline spots on FW, few to no small vague spots on HW.
Similar species: Other duskywings are smaller, and generally less boldy marked.
Host plant: Oak species, especially Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana), and golden chinkapin (Chrysolepis chrysophylla) at higher elevations.
Habitat: Open areas near oaks or chinkapin.
Range: Western Oregon from Cascade Crest to crest of Coast Range.
Season: Late March to mid-July
Abundance: Common
Conservation Status: Secure