Argynnis hesperis
AKA Hesperis Fritillary
AKA Speyeria hesperis
Size: Up to 2.5 inch wingspan
Key ID features: Medium orange above with black veins, black shading near the body, black irregular lines inwardly, submarginal black spot band and black marking along margin like chain links, bolder on female. Below ground color of "disc" on HW deep reddish to chocolate brown, with creamy to white elongated oval spots, and a distinct submarginal band of warm or pinkish tan, crossed by dark veins. Often with yellowish-tan "spashes" or rays within the discal area. The cream spot in the middle of the bottom of the ventral hindwing is usually "smeared" toward the outer edge.
Similar species: Hydaspe has a submarginal band that is more pinkish and often less distinct, and the cream-colored spot on the bottom edge of the ventral hindwing is small and not smeared toward the outer edge.
Host plant: Violet (Viola) species.
Habitat: Openings, riparian areas and meadows in pine and fir forests.
Range: Found in southern Cascades, Siskiyou, Ochoco, Strawberry, Wallowa and Warner Mtns.
Season: Mid-June to early September.
Abundance: Common
Conservation Status: Secure