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Northern Cloudywing

Staly Creek, Lane Co, June 25


Thorybes pylades


AKA Cecropterus pylades

Size: Up to 2 inch wingspan


Key ID features: Above very dark brown with a few narrow white bars and spots on FW. Bars and spots translucent.  Below similar to above, dark brown with with a few narrow tan or off-white bars and spots on FW. 


Similar species: Western Cloudywing flies notably faster, perches on rocks, has shorter white sub-cell bar in FW.


Host plant: Many legume species, but often associated with Lotus crassifolius in Oregon.


Habitat: Canyons, clearings and flowery flatlands.   


Range: Cascade Range, Eastern Blue Mtns, Wallowa Mtns, Siskiyou Mtns, Klamath Mtns, Warner Mtns.


Season: Late April to mid-July


Abundance: Common 


Conservation Status: Secure 

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